Cape Cod Lighthouses

Nobska_LighthouseNobska Lighthouse, Woods Hole
Nobska is one of the Cape’s most popular and photographed lighthouses. it sits high on a hill overlooking Vineyard Sound with views out to Martha’s Vineyard. It offers decent photo potential most of the day with the best light late in the day toward sunset.


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Spring Photography Tips

_MG_1974-EditSpring flowers and buds are great subjects for close-up or macro photography. Extension tubes, close-up filters and macro lenses will help you get closer to the subject, but you don’t really need special gear.  Most lenses today will let you focus on a subject within a few feet of the lens.  Cameras today have very high resolution, so you can then crop the image for a closer view. (more…)

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Focus Stacking

Focus Stacking with Photoshop and Elements

Focus stacking lets you extend the depth of field by combining multiple images, each each of the same scene, but with a different focus point.  Photoshop and Elements each have their own way of combining the multiple images into a single photograph. (more…)

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